Thursday, April 25, 2013


For me, trying to lose weight is like the scene from the movie Castaway where a scraggly Tom Hanks finally attempts to make his way off his deserted island.

In his rickety raft, Hanks (and Wilson… don’t forget Wilson!), fight through the crashing waves, trying to break through to the open sea.

That’s what this feels like to me, this first week back on track.

Waves crashing on my head.

Trying to push me back to where I started.

Trying to keep me stranded.

I’m fighting the waves of apathy and temptation, of inertia and instant gratification, trying to break free into the long and less exciting part of this journey.

Hey, Tom Hanks made it.

I will, too.

“I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow 
the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring.”
-Tom Hanks in Castaway

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